Buying or Selling a Home

Klahanie Sammamish House

Klahanie Sammamish House

Escrow Professionals Resale Demand/Certificates
Klahanie uses CondoCerts to handle Resale Demand/Certificates. This should always be done before the close of the property. For all sales, please order the Full Resale Demand Package. Please follow the steps below to order.
Step 2
Search for the Klahanie Association
Step 3
Order the Full Resale Demand Package
Step 4
Provide all the requested information.
Step 5
Submit. Done!
Once submitted, the Association will receive email notification and, in turn, will go in and approve the Resale Demand Request. Approval usually takes within 12 to 24 hours of submittal.
Once approved the requester will receive email notification of the approval. At that point, the requester can log into and retrieve all the requested information.
All sales/transactions that take place within Klahanie must go through this service in order to ensure proper transfer of ownership.
For questions, contact Klahanie or call 425-392-4663
For all Condos or Townhomes in Klahanie, you must order 2 separate Resale Demands/Certificates: one for the condominium or sub-association and one for the Master Association (Klahanie Association). Both these Demands must be ordered or the transfer of ownership will not take place.
For information of where to order a demand from each sub-association, you will need to contact their specific management company.
The Association Questionnaire will only provide Association information and no information specific to the property. Should you have any trouble with the site or your order, please call Condocerts directly at
(800) 310-6552 to speak with customer service.
Real Estate Professionals
Governing Documents
This website is designed to be a one-stop shop for any questions or information you may need regarding buying or selling in Klahanie. Feel free to browse through the site, visit the FAQs, send us an email at or give us a call at 425-392-4663 should you have any more questions! Please take some time to read over and share our Governing Documents list with any prospective buyers you have that are interested in purchasing a home in Klahanie. Go to The Association Overview page for an overview and links to the Governing Documents.
Sign Information
The Klahanie Rules and Regulations require Real Estate Professionals to acquire Klahanie specific signs. Please contact Sign Pros at 425-885-3204 or visit their website. Regular Open House A-boards are allowed provided they are placed in a spot that does not disrupt landscaping or the traffic of walkers/drivers.
All units (single-family & multi-family) within Klahanie are required to pay quarterly assessments to the Klahanie Association. As of January 1, 2024, the assessments are $1,200 a year for each household and are paid on a quarterly basis of $300 on the 1st of the month in January, April, July, and October. Statements are sent out as a courtesy. This may be subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Please refer to our Assessment and Collection Policy for more information regarding Assessment payments or contact Klahanie.
There are two (2) separate Assessments that must be paid for sub-associations. Sub-association Assessments need to be paid separately to their management agent. Please contact your sub-association for more information.
Mortgage Professionals
Certificate of Insurance or Evidence of Coverage
All units (single family & multi-family) within Klahanie are required to pay quarterly assessments to the Klahanie Association. The assessments are $1,200 a year for each household and are paid on a quarterly basis of $300 on the 1st of the month in January, April, July, and October. Statements are sent out as a courtesy. This may be subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Please refer to our Assessment and Collection Policy for more information regarding Assessment payments or contact Klahanie.
To obtain a certificate of Insurance of Evidence of coverage, please contact The Partners Group at (425) 691-2620 or email Please allow 24 hours to receive the requested Certificate. Should you be requesting insurance for condo or town home, you will need to contact the sub associations managing agent.
For Sub-associations, there are 2 separate Assessments that must be paid. Sub-association Assessments need to be paid separately to their management agent. Please contact your sub-association for more information.