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Architectural Controls Application 

How to apply


  • Review all Klahanie Governing Documents, including the CC&Rs, AC Guidelines, Rules & Regulations, etc. The most current copies can be found on the Klahanie Homeowners Association 101 page.

  • Complete the entire application below online before submitting or your application may be returned.

  • Signature of the property owner on the application is required. 

  • Submit the application at least thirty (30) days prior to scheduling any contractor.

  • In some cases, the Association will request additional information in order to provide a decision.

  • It is the duty of the owner and the owner's contractors to review all applicable laws, codes, guidelines and best practices. The owner must contact the Association office if any changes from this application occur due to these regulations.


Application questions may be directed to the Klahanie Association at or by calling the office at (425) 392-4663 ext 4.


Architectural Controls Online Application

To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

PERMIT (if appoved)
Lot Type

Project Description

Please give a detailed description of the project and illustrate on the diagram. 
PROECT TYPE (check all that apply):

Exterior Painting (if applicable)

Fence Project (if applicable)


III. Good Neighbor Acknowledgement

* Note to other property owners: please read this before you sign below!

Please note, neighbor acknowledgement IS NOT an approval of the project. This is understanding that you are aware of the applicant's intention. If you have concerns with the proposed work, please notify the Association in writing within three (3) days of the date of your signature. 

The applicant must have the acknowledgement of at least three (3) adjacent neighbors.  Please upload an electronic communication in the form of text or email with response from adjacent neighbor that confirms project has been acknowledged OR upload the neighbor notification sheet (downloadable above). If the home is being rented, homeowner notification is required. Tenant notifications will not be accepted.

FOR FENCE APPLICATIONS: If the fence is to be shared or attached, a letter signed by all parties as to the agreement of the shared fence must be submitted with the application. Please contact the Association office for more details prior to filing.

Provide Neighbor Contact Information
Upload Neighbor 1 Notification
Upload Neighbor 2 Notification
Upload Neighbor 3 Notification

Supported File Types: JPG, PNG, GIF, JPEG, JPE, JFIF, BMP, HEIC, HEIF, TIFF, TIF, WEBP, JPEG 2000 and RAW

IV. Terms & Conditions

Please review the following and initial below: 

For detailed instructions regarding approval, see ACs, Sec. 5.0 & 6.0. 


Application should include (but may not be limited to) plans and specifications showing site layout to scale, structural design, exterior elevation, exterior materials and colors (brochures or samples), landscaping plan, drainage plan, exterior lighting, irrigation, paint chips/swatches, other features of proposed modifications. The Association may require additional information to consider any application. 

NOTES: If your work will alter drainage patterns of adjacent properties, you must obtain the signature of the affected Owner(s). A separate written agreement signed by the effected lot Owner(s) is required if the proposed work falls on, or crossed the property line at any point. 


Any modifications to your backyard area require a copy of the plat map for your property as many properties contain Native Growth Protection Areas that contain restrictions on building and vegetation removal. 

V. Owner Acknowledgment & Signature

1. I understand that construction of certain projects requires that I obtain a building permit(s) from the appropriate government entity. Approval of the proposed work by the ACC does not affect or remove that requirement.


2. I understand that starting any work prior to written ACC approval is not allowed and that if alteration or construction is done and this application is not approved, I may be required to return the property to its former condition at my own expense and that I may be required to pay all legal expenses incur red by myself and/or by the Klahanie Association if legal action becomes necessary.


3. I understand that this application gives approval for members of the Architectural Control Committee, or a representative of the Klahanie Association staff to enter onto my property to make reasonable inspection of the proposed work locations. Without this approval, the ACC may be forced to deny the proposed work due to lack of facts on which to base a decision.


4. I am aware of the Klahanie Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Architectural Control Guidelines in regard to the review process.


5. The proposed work must be completed within 90 days of approval of the application by the ACC.


6. Once the approved project is completed OR you decide to cancel it OR it is not completed within the 90 days after approval you must fill out an Inspection Request/Project Completion Form included in Appendix B. An inspect ion will be done and your file will reflect the results. Failure to submit the Inspection Request Form will result in a $100 fine, billed, and collected in the same manner as homeowner's assessments.


7. I understand that approval is contingent upon all work being completed in a workman-like manner with quality equal to or better than the original home construction.

8. I understand that if an inspection finds the project does not perform to the scope of work authorized, construction must be modified until it complies with approved documentation.


9. I understand that if I disagree with the ACC ruling, I may appeal the decision as out lined in Section 5.0 of the Architectural Controls.

10. I understand that this application must be submitted to the office one week before the ACC monthly meeting (the first Wednesday of each month) to be considered on the agenda for that meeting should this application have to go before the ACC Committee.

I certify that the previous information and all included documents are accurate and complete. I have read and understand the Klahanie Association governing documents and the instructions as listed above which govern the procedures for undertaking any addition or alteration to my property. I officially state that the residential modification will be completed in accordance to the governing documents. I hereby authorize the members of the Association to enter upon and inspect my property to the Association rendering a determination with regard to this application. I understand that the Association does not review the plans for compliance with applicable laws or codes, and that it is the duty of the owner(s) and the owner's contractors to design and construct the proposed improvements according to applicable laws, codes, and best practices. I hereby release and agree to hold the Association harmless from any cost or liability arising out of the review or approval plans for the proposed improvements.

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